
Your retirement age is appearing on the horizon. You can often decide for yourself exactly when your retirement will start. Before that happens, you usually still have to make a number of choices regarding your pension. In addition, you will soon receive an AOW pension. You can read more about it below.

AOW age

You receive an AOW pension from your AOW age. You cannot move this date and it depends on your date of birth. In 2025 to 2027, the AOW age will be 67 years. From 2028 to 2030, the AOW age will be 67 + 3 months. From 2031 onwards, the AOW age will be linked to life expectancy. Were you born after 30 September 1963? Then your AOW age is not yet exactly known. You can visit the website of the SVB to calculate your estimated AOW age.

Pension choices

Pension choices

Before you retire, it is a good idea to think about a number of choices. One of these is your retirement date. Some people retire at their AOW age. The date on which you receive your first pension from your pension provider(s) differs per pension scheme. However, in many schemes you can choose to have your pension start earlier or later, for example. Would you like to know more about these and other choices? Then watch the animated video about pension choices.

Please note: The choices may vary per pension scheme. Therefore, please contact your pension provider to hear which choices are available to you.

Good to know

  • If you choose to retire earlier or later, this often has consequences for your pension. Are you retiring early? Then you will receive less pension. Are you working longer? In that case, you will usually receive more pension.

  • Are you divorced or have you lived together in the past? Then your ex-partner may be entitled to a part of your pension. On the page Separation you can read more about this.

  • You pay tax on your pension, this is called payroll tax. You can apply the payroll tax credit to this. Please note: this may only be done by one benefit institution. If you do not arrange this properly, you end up paying too little tax and having to pay extra later. Go to the website of the Tax Authority for more information.

Would you like to know more about (almost) retiring and pension choices? Please contact your pension provider(s).