New job
Do you have a new job or are you planning on changing jobs? Then it is good to take a moment to think about your pension.
Do you know, for example, what to look out for or how to take a pension with you? And what does a good pension scheme entail? It might also be possible that you cannot accrue a pension at all with your new employer. In that case, you can set money aside yourself for your pension. On this page you will find useful information and tips. Are you going to start working as a freelancer? Then check the page Becoming a freelancer.
What should you pay attention to when doing a new job?
If you are looking for a new job, it’s worthwhile to take a look at how your pension is arranged. This differs per employer.
1. Three types of pension schemes
Most people currently have a pension based on a benefit agreement. This is based on the average salary (average pay scheme). You will then agree which monthly pension amount you will receive later on. Another form of pension is the defined contribution scheme.
In this case you agree which amount will be deposited on a monthly basis. This is invested and you will purchase a pension payment for that later on. Finally, there is the capital agreement. With this scheme you make agreements about the amount of the capital, with which you purchase a pension payment later.
In the new pension system, everyone will accrue a pension via a defined contribution scheme.
2. How do you contribute to your pension?
You often contribute the premium together with your employer (a part each). The accrual percentage determines how much pension you accrue. The higher the accrual percentage, the more pension you will receive later.
In the case of a defined contribution scheme, we do not call this an accrual percentage but a tier. This is the percentage of the salary over which pension may be accrued. The tier differs per age category.
The part that you pay yourself is your own contribution. You can find this on your payslip.
3. Has something been arranged for your surviving relatives?
A survivor's pension is a benefit for your surviving relatives when you die. There are two variants. For the first, you save an amount that always remains stable (accrual basis). The second is insurance that often expires if you change jobs (risk basis). See what your employer offers and whether this is sufficient for you.
4. What do you get in case of incapacity for work?
Have you become incapacitated for work? Then your pension accrual with your pension provider usually continues. You do not have to pay a contribution. This is not always arranged, so double check this. You can read more about this on the page Becoming incapacitated for work.
What happens to your pension if you change jobs?
1. Old-age pension
The old-age pension that you have accrued so far will remain unchanged. Are you going to work in the same sector? Then you may stay with the same pension provider. Are you changing pension providers? Then check whether it is wise to take your accrued pension with you to the new party. This is called a value transfer. More information can be found at
2. Survivor’s pension
Do you have a survivor's pension on an accrual basis? Then this amount remains stable, even if you switch pension providers. Do you have a risk-based survivor's pension? Then you are no longer entitled to the survivor's pension if you leave. It is good to pay attention to this, so that you are not faced with any unexpected surprises.
No pension scheme. What will you do?
Can you accrue little or no pension via your new employer? Or are you starting as a freelancer? Then you can top up your pension yourself. There are various options, such as:
1. A pension product
You can set aside money with an annuity product at an insurer, bank or investment institution. In many cases, this is tax deductible. Although, your money is locked up for a longer period of time.
2. Saving or investing
If you save or invest money yourself, you can usually withdraw it in the interim. Handy if you need it for something else. You do, however, pay tax on these savings (above a certain threshold).
3. Mortgage redemption
Do you own a house? Sometimes you can repay the interest-only component of your mortgage more quickly. That way you will have fewer living costs now and when you retire.
Would you like to get started with your pension or learn more about this topic? Then you can always contact your own pension provider(s) or contact a financial advisor.