About the AOW
Below you will find information on the AOW. Would you like to know more? Then look at the FAQs. Or go to the Sociale Verzekeringsbank website.
What is the AOW?
The AOW pension is the basic pension that you receive from the government from your retirement age onwards. The AOW pension is paid out by the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). Everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands is entitled to this. The amount of the AOW pension is adjusted annually to the development of the minimum wage.
From when will you receive an AOW pension?
The start date of your AOW pension depends on your date of birth. Your pension overview shows the AOW age that currently applies. Were you born after September 30, 1962? Calculate your expected AOW age here.
Does living and working abroad affect your AOW pension?
If you live abroad, you often do not accrue an AOW pension. You will then no longer be covered by the National Old Age Pensions Act (AOW). In that case, your AOW pension may turn out to be lower. Do you live abroad and work in the Netherlands? Then you are usually insured for the AOW pension.