About Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl

Below you will find more information about MijnPensioenoverzicht.nl. Would you like to know more? Then first look at FAQs to see if the answer is there. If you need help, you can contact our service desk.

What is Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl?

On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you get insights into all your accrued pensions as well as the pensions you still expect to accrue via pension providers. You will also see your AOW pension.

What can you find on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl?

In addition to your pension amounts and AOW pension, you can find information on:

  • The consequences of different life events on your pension. For example, divorce or death.
  • How does the economy impact your pension?
  • You and your partner’s joint pension. Also if one of you passes away.
  • Useful calculation tools to estimate how certain pension choices will impact your pension. For example, retiring early or working longer.
  • Contact details of all your pension providers and the Sociale Verzekeringsbank.

Who owns Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl?

Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl is managed by the Stichting Pensioenregister. This independent foundation was founded in 2008 and has the statutory duty to provide citizens with insight into and an overview of their pension. Stichting Pensioenregister is a partnership between the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB), the Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds and the Dutch Association of Insurers. More information can be found at www.pensioenregister.nl.

Who can you contact with questions about your pension?

Do you have any questions about a specific pension scheme? Please contact your own pension provider(s). You can find the contact details of all pension providers here.


We want our website to be accessible to everyone. This way, everyone should be able to easily find, use and understand our website. Also people who are visually impaired, blind or deaf. You must also be able to use our website on any device. For example, on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

Report accessibility issues

Did you come across a page that does not comply? Let us know via info@mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.

Independent party verification

We have had our website tested by an external party. This test shows that our website is partly accessible. In this report you can read about which improvements are needed to become fully accessible. We are looking at these improvements to make our website better.