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When will my AOW pension start?
The start date of your AOW pension depends on your date of birth. You can see your statutory AOW age in your pension overview. In 2025 to 2027, the AOW age will be 67 years. From 2028 to 2030, the AOW age will be 67 + 3 months. From 2031 onwards, the AOW age will be linked to life expectancy. Were you born after 30 September 1963? Then your AOW age is not yet exactly known. You can calculate your estimated AOW age on the SVB website.
Will my AOW amount always remain the same?
No, the amount of your AOW pension will be adjusted to the wage development.
The AOW pension is also higher if you live alone than if you are married or cohabitating.
Please note that your AOW pension can decrease if you live or work abroad before your AOW age.
More information about the AOW can be found on the website of the SVB.
What is the AOW?
The AOW (General Old Age Pensions Act) is the basic pension that you receive from the government from your AOW age onwards. Everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands is entitled to this.
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The start date of your AOW pension depends on your date of birth. You can see your statutory AOW age in your pension overview. In 2025 to 2027, the AOW age will be 67 years. From 2028 to 2030, the AOW age will be 67 + 3 months. From 2031 onwards, the AOW age will be linked to life expectancy. Were you born after 30 September 1963? Then your AOW age is not yet exactly known. You can calculate your estimated AOW age on the SVB website.
The AOW age is fixed until 2030:
in 2024 to 2027, the AOW age will be 67 years
from 2028 to 2030, the AOW age will be 67 years + 3 months
From 2031 onwards, the AOW age will depend on life expectancy. Were you born after 30 September 1963? Then your AOW age is not yet exactly known. You can calculate your estimated AOW age is.
The AOW amount you see on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl is your gross AOW amount per year (including holiday allowance). This amount also includes your possible AOW income support.
The amount you receive every month consists of the net AOW amount and the AOW income support. Once a year, in the month of May, you will receive holiday pay from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). We do not show any separate holiday allowance on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. This is set off in the monthly amount.
For more information about the AOW and income support, please visit SVB.nl.
No, the amount of your AOW pension will be adjusted to the wage development.
The AOW pension is also higher if you live alone than if you are married or cohabitating.
Please note that your AOW pension can decrease if you live or work abroad before your AOW age.
More information about the AOW can be found on the website of the SVB.
The AOW (General Old Age Pensions Act) is the basic pension that you receive from the government from your AOW age onwards. Everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands is entitled to this.
If you live in the Netherlands, you will receive a letter from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) about five months before you reach your AOW age. This document explains how to apply for your AOW pension. Did you not receive anything four months before your AOW age? Please contact the SVB yourself. Do you live abroad? Then you must apply for the AOW pension yourself. For more information, please visit the website of the SVB.
The AOW pension is a basic pension from the government. It has been laid down by law that this will be paid out from your AOW age onwards.
The AOW age increases in stages. The age at which you receive your AOW pension depends on your date of birth.
View your (estimated) AOW age on the SVB website.
You are only entitled to an AOW pension if you work or live in the Netherlands. If you have worked or lived abroad for a number of years, your AOW pension may be lower. Will you need this amount in the future? Then there are various ways to set money aside.
Sometimes it is possible to get insured for the AOW pension for the years that you lived and/or worked abroad.
Or you save via the pension provider where you are currently accruing your pension. This is not always possible. Contact your pension provider for the options.
Furthermore, you can purchase an extra pension product from an insurer. This takes place via the insurer itself.
You can also save your own money on your savings account.
Would you like advice about the above options? Please contact a financial adviser.
You cannot do this at the moment. However, in the near future you will have a new choice available to you when you retire. You will then be able to withdraw part of your pension as a lump sum. We call this ‘bedrag ineens’. What does that mean for you?
You will be able to withdraw up to 10% of your pension when you retire. You can opt for a lower percentage too.
Your monthly pension payment will then be lower.
You will pay tax on the amount that you withdraw.
You can only opt for a lump sum amount upon your retirement, and only if you have accrued enough pension through your employer(s). If you retire and only receive the state retirement pension (AOW), then you may not withdraw a lump sum amount.
The expected start date of the lump sum arrangement is not yet known. The Senate still has to consider this proposal. If the Senate agrees, the law can come into effect on 1 July 2025. Pension providers need 6 to 9 months to ensure that the lump sum works. That is why it is expected that it will be possible to withdraw a lump sum from 1 January 2026 at the earliest. From then on, you will see the lump sum on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. The lump sum is shown from 10 years before the AOW age.
Please note: this may have consequences for any government allowance you receive. You may no longer be entitled to an allowance, or the amount of the allowance will decrease. You may have to repay a portion of the allowance.
The exact start date of your pension is stated on the pension overview of your pension provider. On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you can only find the age at which you receive a pension for the first time. In many pension schemes, you have the option of having your pension start earlier or of postponing it. To see what this means for you, see “Retire early or continue working”. It differs per pension scheme which choices are possible in this regard. If you have any questions, please contact your pension provider. You will receive your AOW pension at the AOW age applicable to you. You cannot advance or postpone the AOW pension.
If you log in to Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you can see how much pension you have accrued with each pension provider. If you are unsure whether you have accrued a pension with an employer in the past, please contact our Service Desk.
Would you like to call our service desk? Then prepare the following:
A list of all employers that you worked for. Including in which year you started there, when you stopped and how old you were at that time.
You may have worked for an employer in the past, but not accrued any pension.
Please note: Have you previously transferred the value of your pension to your next pension provider (value transfer)? Or did you commute your pension? Then you will no longer see this pension provider in the overview. The name of your pension provider may also be different, for example due to a merger. Then check whether you can see the expected pension amount in your overview under another pension provider.
A pension provider is a (general) pension fund, a pension insurer or a premium pension institution (PPI). With them, you accrue pension via your employer. In addition, you will receive your AOW pension from the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
In fact, there is no such thing as a pension shortfall. This expression is used to indicate that there is a difference between what you could have maximally saved and the amount actually accrued. Whether the amount you have accrued is sufficient depends on your future needs. That is why it is good to look at your expected expenditures and future plans. Then you can see whether your accrued pension plus the AOW pension are sufficient to make ends meet. If you fail to do so, you can top up your pension. For example, with an annuity or by putting something extra aside.
The AOW pension is a basic pension from the government. Everyone who lives or works in the Netherlands will be entitled to an AOW pension. The amount depends on how long you have lived or worked in the Netherlands. In addition to the AOW pension, you can arrange your supplementary pension yourself as an independent entrepreneur. For some industries and professions there is a compulsory pension scheme that also applies to freelancers. If this is not the case, you can set money aside yourself, for example via an insurer or financial services provider.
You can find more information about the AOW pension at SVB.nl.
Your expected pension amount will change if your salary changes. If you earn more, the pension to be attained will increase. If you earn less, the pension to be attained will decrease. Are you retiring early? Then the amounts also change. The pension that you have already accrued usually does not change due to a salary change.
The pension amounts on your pension overview may change. This can be, for example, because your salary changes or because something changes in your private situation. The amounts can also change because the pension rises along with inflation. Then you will receive an supplement on your pension. You will only receive these supplements (indexations) if sufficient funds are available from the pension provider.
Conversely, if there is not enough money available to meet all pension obligations, it may be that your pension is reduced. You will receive information about this from your pension provider(s) every year.
The expected pension amount may decrease if your salary decreases or if the pension scheme changes. If your pension fund gets into financial trouble, your accrued pension will sometimes be reduced.
Your pension may also decrease if your private situation changes. For example, if you separate. See “If my situation changes” for the possible situations and consequences.
In addition, it is possible to have your pension paid out at different times within many pension schemes. If you stop retire earlier or later, the amount of your pension will also change. For more information about pension choices, please contact your pension provider(s).
Normally, you will receive an application form from your pension provider a few months before your retirement date. Did you not receive an application form? Please contact your pension provider(s).
In most cases, you can receive your pension abroad. Check this with your pension provider(s). For more information about the AOW abroad, please visit the website of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
Please contact the pension provider of which you wish to transfer an accrued amount. They can inform you of the possibilities.
At Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you will find an overview of the pension you have accrued and will reach from your employer(s) and the AOW.
You will find answers to questions such as:
How much AOW and pension did I accrue?
How much AOW and pension will I approximately receive?
What do my surviving relatives receive if I die?
What events in my life have consequences for my pension?
What will my pension be worth?
Did you retire on or after 1 January 2018? Then you can see at Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl how much private pension and AOW pension you are now receiving. Did you retire earlier? Then it differs per pension provider whether we can show your information.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl offers you the basic information about your pension. For specific pension information or advice, please contact your pension provider(s) or a financial advisor.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl has permission from the government to use DigiD and eIDAS. This access method is also used by many other government agencies. This guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of data on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.
You do not see what you have arranged yourself as supplementary pension (for example via annuities, investments or bank savings) at Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. We do not have access to this information.
Anw (General Surviving Dependants Act), Anw Surviving Dependants Act shortfall, or Anw replacement schemes are not on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. Whether you receive this benefit and the amount thereof depends on your personal situation. Think, for example, about your age, whether you have children, whether you are incapacitated for work and whether you have other income. We do not know this type of data. More information about the Anw can be found at SVB.nl.
On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you will not find an overview of the employers where you worked in the past. Or how long you worked there. The pension provider or the UWV can often provide information about your employment history.
You usually do not see what pension amount you will receive from your ex-partner. The law governing the distribution of pensions in the event of divorce will change. Once the law has been amended and we receive this information from the pension providers, Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl can show these amounts in your overview.
Have you previously transferred the value of your pension to your next pension provider (value transfer)? Or did you commute your pension? Then you no longer see the old pension provider in your overview.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl gives you insight, but it is not a pension planner. Many pension providers offer the option of working with a planner via “Mijnomgeving”. For this, please contact your pension provider(s). In addition, various pension planners can be found online.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl does not offer extensive pension information or advice. For this you can contact your pension provider(s) or, for example, a financial advisor.
An extensive list of FAQs is available on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. In many cases, you will find answers to your question there.
If you are missing a pension amount or if you have a specific question about your pension, then it is best to contact your own pension provider.
Can’t figure it out by yourself? Then the service desk will be happy to assist you further. For this you can send an e-mail to info@mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. They can also be reached by telephone on weekdays at 020-7512870 (between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.).
The Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl website was launched by the pensions sector in 2011 to give people better insight into their pensions. From that year onwards, the pension sector was legally obliged to provide citizens with an overview of all their accrued pension and their AOW pension.
We receive your pension data directly from the pension providers. We put all this information in a clear manner on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. We do not calculate any amounts ourselves and we do not save any data.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl is provided by the Stichting Pensioenregister (SPR). SPR is an initiative of the Sociale Verzekeringsbank, the Federation of the Dutch Pension Funds and the Dutch Association of Insurers.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl uses cookies. These are functional cookies that ensure that the website works properly. These are, for example, necessary to show you the correct information. Or to be able to properly distribute the traffic on the website, so that we can quickly load the pages.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl does not use techniques to follow users or to build profiles of users. We do keep track of how often pages are visited. This is not linked to data from individual users. We will also record the timestamp of your last visit. This way you do not have to accept the terms of use every time. We only do this if you explicitly consent to this via the cookie banner.
Absolutely. You can download your pension overview as an XML or PDF file. This can now also be done together with your partner for a total overview of your pension.
Every citizen with a Dutch BSN and a DigiD or eIDAS can log in to Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.
The website can be visited free of charge and is available 24 hours a day.
No, the website is not a database. Every time you log in, your pension details will be retrieved from the pension providers and the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). You can view this information during your visit to the website, but we do not store this information.
No, the website is not intended for this. You yourself decide whether you share your personal pension data with others, for example with a pension adviser. To do so, you can download your data in the form of an xml file or a PDF file.
No. We will not share the pension and AOW data that you see on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl with other parties (third parties). You may decide to share your data with others, but that is of course your own choice.
No, only you can access your pension details via this website. For this reason, you must log in via DigiD or eIDAS. This will ensure that you are the only one who can view the data.
This can be done with a European certified login tool (eIDAS). You can find more information about logging in with eIDAS on the Government website.
If you have a working DigiD or eIDAS (user name and password), you can also log into Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl from abroad. eIDAS is not yet used in all European countries. On the website of the Government you will find more information about logging in from abroad. Do you not yet have a DigiD, but do you have a Dutch BSN? Go to DigiD.nl to apply for a DigiD.
You can find more information about logging in with eIDAS on the Government website.
No, without DigiD or eIDAS (logging in with a foreign ID), you will not have access to Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. If you do not have DigiD or eIDAS and would like information about your pension, then please contact your pension provider(s).
Yes, but not via Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. To view your pension amounts or AOW pension on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl, you must log in with DigiD or eIDAS. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, this way we can guarantee your privacy and the security of your data. We also need a DigiD or eIDAS to retrieve your data from your pension providers. You can of course request an overview directly from them. You will then receive per pension provider an overview of the pension that you have accrued with them. The same applies to your AOW pension through the Sociale Verzekeringsbank. If you do not know exactly where you accrued your pension, please contact our Service Desk. They may be able to help you further.
For more information about DigiD, please visit the DigiD website.
The effective date of your AOW is fixed. This is determined by law. The effective date of your pension may vary per pension scheme. You decide when you want your pension to start. There are rules for this.
You will receive AOW pension from the month you reach your AOW age. This depends on your date of birth. On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl we show the AOW age that has been laid down in the law to date.
From 2025 to 2027 the AOW age is 67 years. From 2028 to 2030 the AOW age is 67 years + 3 months. From 2031 onwards, the AOW age will depend on life expectancy.
Were you born after 30 September 1962? Then your AOW age is not yet exactly known. At SVB.nl you can calculate what your estimated AOW age is.
Do you want your AOW and your pension to start at the same time? Or do you want your pension to start earlier or later than your AOW? Then ask your pension provider about the possibilities. The effective date of the AOW cannot be adjusted.
Sometimes it is (temporarily) not possible to display all your data. Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl has no influence on this. The pension providers are responsible for the quality and completeness of the pension data on this website.
Do you think there are pension amounts missing? Please contact your pension provider(s). You will find a complete list of contact details on this website.
Can’t figure it out by yourself? Please contact our Service Desk.
Do you work as an employee? And your employer does not offer a pension scheme? Here's what you can do.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl first adds up all gross pension amounts per pension provider (AOW and employer's pension).
Subsequently, the income tax is settled based on the total amount of gross pension payments. In case the payout is before the AOW age Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl does not apply the general tax credit. If the payout is after the AOW age then Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl applies the general tax credit as standard. Please note: you can only apply the general tax credit once. If you have already applied the general tax credit, your actual net payment will be lower,
The deduction for the income-dependent contribution for the Healthcare Insurance Act is also calculated.
This results in a net amount per year. This amount is divided by 12 months, resulting in a net pension amount per month.
The calculation takes into account any commitments from pension providers on a holiday allowance. Any holiday allowance is included in the shown gross annual amount and for 1/12th in the net monthly amount. We therefore do not show a separate holiday allowance, but this is included in the shown pension amounts.
Deductions, allowances or income that you receive in addition to your pension have not been taken into account.
After you have logged in with DigiD or eIDAS, the data is retrieved directly from the pension providers. They are responsible for this information and are obliged to update it at least three times a year. Some pension providers do this more often. If you click on a specific pension provider in your pension overview, you will see in the contact overview the last date (“position as of”) on which your data have been updated.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl receives the gross pension amounts directly from the pension providers. They are responsible for the accurateness and reliability of this data.
On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl, we also show your expected pension amount as a rounded net amount per month. This amount is calculated based on the current tax rates. No rights can be derived from this estimate. If something changes in your work or private situation, this amount may change. See the Terms of Use for more information.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl is the starting point for an overview and insight into your pension. Your pension data is a good indication of your pension situation but could still change. It’s good to take a look each year to get an idea of how things are looking. You can then do something with these amounts, for example by supplementing your pension.
The information we receive from the pension provider(s) is shown on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. This may not be the most up-to-date data. Data must be updated within 4 months if there has been a change. Therefore, please look at the date that is listed under the contact details of your pension provider (“position as of”). This is the date on which the pension provider last calculated your pension data.
If you are faced with an important financial decision, always contact your pension provider(s) or a financial adviser.
If something changes in your personal or work situation (e.g. marriage, dismissal, divorce), this often affects your pension. Do not forget to pass on the changes to your pension provider(s).
If you do not see any information about your pension on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl, you can contact your pension provider. For questions about your AOW pension, please contact the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).
Are you receiving an AOW pension? The SVB will send you an overview of the AOW pension you will receive for the coming year at the beginning of each year. This overview can also be found via My SVB.
You will receive your pension overview via your pension provider(s). These are, for example, pension funds, pension insurers and premium pension institutions (PPI). They will also provide you with information about, for example, the accrued survivor's pension scheme.
If you think that the amounts shown on this website are incorrect or incomplete, then please contact your pension provider(s). The contact details can be found on the page with all pension providers.
Are you accruing a partner's pension? Then you can see this on the page In the event of death. It states what your (ex-)partner will receive if you die. You can find the partner's pension to which you are entitled when your partner dies on the page If your partner dies. You do need to log in together for this.
Has your partner died and are you already receiving a partner's pension? Then you can find this on your own pension overview under ‘Mijn pensioen’.
The pension providers are obliged to update the information at least three times a year. Some pension providers do this more often. The Pensions Act states that changes to the pension scheme or your personal situation must be processed within four months. From that moment on, you will see them on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.
All pension amounts on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl under € 1 are rounded down to € 0. It is therefore possible that you are accruing or have accrued a pension, but do not yet have enough pension savings to exceed this threshold of € 1.
Are you missing a pension in your overview? Then contact the pension provider where you have accrued that pension. The contact details of the pension providers can be found on this website.
Sometimes a pension provider changes its name, for example due to a merger. Therefore, see if you can see the missing pension amount under another pension provider.
Please note: Have you previously transferred the value of your pension to your next pension provider (value transfer)? Or did you commute your pension? Then this pension provider is no longer shown in your overview.
Yes, that is possible. If you retired on or after 1 January 2018, you can view your AOW pension and pension payments at Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.
Various pension providers will also show your pension payment if you retired before 1 January 2018.
Is your pension amount not in the overview? Then contact your pension provider.
You cannot object to the new pension rules at Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. Do you have questions about the new rules? Please contact your pension provider(s). On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl you will find an overview of your pension provider(s).
Most pensions will change due to the new pension law. This lasts until December 31, 2027. The pensions do not change at the same time. Have the new pension rules come into effect? Then you will see the new pension amounts for that pension on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. Sometimes this takes a while because your pension provider has not yet communicated the new amounts to us.
Most pensions will change due to the new pension law. This lasts until December 31, 2027. The pensions do not change at the same time. You will hear from your pension provider(s) whether and when your pension changes. For more information, please contact your pension provider(s). Do you accrue pension with an insurer? In that case, you will usually first hear from your employer whether and when your pension changes.
There is a special website about the new pension rules. There you can find general information about the new rules. Go to the website about the new rules (in Dutch).
Only when you apply for your pension with your pension provider and receive an overview from them, will you know with reasonable certainty what amount you will receive. Until then, the amount of the pension may change. There is a very small chance that the amounts will change significantly, shortly before your retirement starts. Furthermore, the amounts may differ slightly from the pension you will receive in the future, because these are estimates. After you have entered into retirement, the amount of this can sometimes change slightly if there is an increase (indexation) or decrease (discount) of the pensions.
We do not know how the economy will do in the future. Interest rates can rise or fall. Investments can yield high returns or not. This affects your pension accrual. Prices can also increase or decrease. Based on many different calculations from the pension providers, we have estimated your pension.
The amount at the top arrow in the middle is the expected end result. In practice, your pension will end up somewhere between the amounts on the left and right. What your pension will ultimately be depends, among other things, on how the economy develops. Is the economy doing very poorly or are prices actually increasing sharply? Then your pension can end up being the amount on the left. And if the economy is actually doing better, your pension may end up at the right-hand amount. There is a very small chance that your pension will be slightly lower or higher than the amounts you see here. You can read more about this in the other FAQs.
Please note: In the picture (How does the economy impact your pension?), we used the information that is now known. Changes in your personal situation in the future have not been taken into account. For example, a higher or lower salary or a separation. This can also affect your pension accrual.
These amounts show that the amount of your pension is uncertain. It could work out well or not so well. The amounts give an indication of what your pension will be worth. It is an estimate of your pension based on the current economic situation. That can change. Therefore, it is wise to look at these amounts once a year. And to think about whether you can make ends meet when you are retired. Please take into account your personal wishes and circumstances at that time.
The amount under the tab “My pension” does not take into account possible price increases (inflation). Suppose you receive 100 euros in ten years and everything will be more expensive in the coming years. Then you can buy less with that 100 euros in ten years’ time than now.
The three amounts in the picture do take these price increases into account. This allows you to compare them properly with your current net income. And therefore better estimate whether your pension amount will be sufficient to live on.
Yes, there is a small chance that your pension will be slightly lower or higher than the amounts you see in the overview. The three amounts were calculated based on 2,000 possible “future scenarios”. In practice, your pension will end up somewhere between the amounts on the left and right. In 5% of the scenarios, your pension will be lower than the amount you see on the left. In 5% of the scenarios, your pension will be higher than the amount you see on the right.
Sometimes things change in your pension accrual, for example if you start working more or less hours. This affects the amount of your pension. In addition, the amounts are calculated based on rules of the Dutch Central Bank. These rules are sometimes amended, for example if the interest rate increases or decreases. This can also cause your expected pension amounts to change.
The government has chosen to only show what happens to your own pension depending on the economy. If you would like more information about your survivor's pension, please contact your pension provider.
1. If you stop working, you will remain entitled to the pension you have accrued. In the image with the arrows, you can see the pension amount that you have accrued up to that point at the bottom. Please note: any temporary old-age pension will also be added to this.
2. If you start working less, you will also accrue less pension from that moment on. The expected end result is therefore lower.
3. If you divorce, your partner will in most cases be entitled to half of the pension you accrued during your marriage or registered partnership. But you can also agree to a different distribution. For more information, see our animated video.
On the page When the going gets tough the three pension amounts next to the arrows are calculated from the AOW age. This will also include your temporary pension. This means that in addition to the AOW and the old-age pension, your temporary pension will also be shown as if it were paid out for life. In this calculation, the temporary pension is spread out over a large number of years. This is prescribed by law.
At the bottom of the figure is the amount accrued so far. Here, the accrued temporary pension amount is added to your accrued AOW and old-age pension. This gives a distorted picture, because you usually do not receive these amounts at the same time. Often, your temporary pension will be paid out first and the old-age pension and the AOW not until later on. Would you like to know more about the start dates of your pension and what you have accrued so far? If so, check My pension overview.
If you have already retired, we will calculate approximately what your pension will be worth in ten years’ time. You can keep with the middle amount to see what you will probably receive in the future. The other two amounts indicate the direction in which your pension can develop depending on the economy.
When calculating the amounts, we also take the price increases into account. If the prices increase and your pension does not, you will be able to buy less with your pension amount.
If the amount in the middle is lower than you are currently receiving, then it is expected that the prices will increase. As a result, the value of your pension decreases. So you won’t get any less, but you will able to buy less with the same money. Suppose you receive 100 euros in ten years and everything will be more expensive in the coming years. Then you can buy less with that 100 euros in ten years’ time than now.
Yes, you will see your expected pension in ten years time every year. We can make these calculations until you turn 95.
Have you passed on different arrangements to your pension provider, but do you not see them here? Then contact your pension provider. These arrangements may not yet have been processed. Or these have not been passed on to Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl.
Would you like to retire earlier and have your pension paid out earlier? Ask your pension provider if your retirement effective date can be advanced. This is possible with many pension schemes.
If you retire earlier, your pension savings must be distributed over several more years. As a result, the pension you receive monthly will also be lower. Would you like to know more about this? Please contact your pension provider(s).
Do you want to continue working and have your pension paid out later? Then ask your pension provider if your pension effective date can be postponed. This is possible with some pension schemes. If you work longer, your pension savings will have to be distributed over fewer years. As a result, the pension you receive every month will also be higher. Would you like to know more about this? Please contact your pension provider(s).
Would you like your pension to start at a different age, but your pension age and the corresponding amount do not change? Then this choice may not be possible within your pension plan. Please contact your pension provider(s) about this.
The section ‘Retire early or continue working’ gives you an initial insight into the consequences of pension choices.
Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl does not have an extensive pension planner. This is a conscious choice, because most pension providers offer these types of planners on their own website. Do you have questions about pension choices or are you looking for a planner? Then contact your pension provider.
You cannot postpone or advance the AOW pension. Your AOW pension will start on the legally established AOW age and depends on your date of birth.
The Pensions Act is based on two types of small pensions: 1. Very small pensions (up to a maximum of €2 gross per year) 2. Small pensions (from €2 to € 613,52 gross per year) You can find more information about this on the website of the Government or in the brochure 'New rules for small pensions' of the Government.
If you (temporarily) do not have an employer or do not accrue a pension (for example due to unemployment, departure abroad or your own company), the small pension (more than €2 gross per year and less than € 613,52 gross per year) will remain where it is. After 5 years, the pension provider (for example, the pension fund or the insurer) can still commute the small pension. You do have to agree to this. If not, the small pension will remain where it is.
As of 1 January 2019, new rules will apply to small pensions. There are two possibilities:
1. You have/had one or more very small pensions (of € 2 or less gross per year). In many cases, this will expire on 1 January 2019. Pension providers may do this based on the rules that came into effect on 1 January 2019. There are pension providers that did not eliminate this. Do you have any questions about this? Then contact the pension provider of your very small pension.
2. You have/had one or more small pensions (more than € 2 and less than € 613,52 gross per year). This pension is no longer being commuted, but can be combined with your current pension provider. If your pension provider does not opt for this, then the pensions will remain with the provider where you have accrued this small pension.
Small pensions created after 1 January 2018, were already allowed to be transferred by the pension providers. It has now been arranged that the small pensions that arose before 1 January 2018 will also be transferred (in phases). Good to know: The transfer of a small pension is the right of the pension provider. You have no influence on this.
People change jobs more often and are spend less time working for one single employer. As a result, they accrue smaller pensions at different employers (and therefore at different pension providers). The administration of these small pensions is relatively expensive. Pension providers can now transfer the small pensions so that they are combined with the pension you are currently actively accruing. This saves costs and the pension is also divided over fewer budgets.
No, you do not have to do anything for this. A pension provider that wants to transfer the small pension will investigate whether you are accruing pension with your current employer. Is this the case? Then the small pension is transferred to the pension provider where you are actively accruing a pension. You will then be notified by this pension provider.
The law states the following: Pension providers that want to transfer small pensions must inform their participants about this once. Was the transfer successful? Then you will be informed by the pension provider where you are currently actively accruing a pension.
No, the idea is in fact to combine small pensions into a larger pension. Will a certain pension still be seen as a small pension on your retirement date? Then there is the possibility to commute it at that time.
No, this does not apply to small pensions that are already paid out monthly. It only applies to small pensions of participants who have not yet retired.
Yes, you can see the consequences of divorce for your pension amount on this website. What exactly is visible depends on the agreements you have made with your ex-partner and what is known to your pension provider(s). You cannot see what you may possibly receive from your ex-partner.
It is not possible to show if and how much pension you may receive from your ex-partner. This is because the pension right until retirement lies with the person who accrues the pension. This also applies to the part that may accrue to an ex-partner.
On Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl it is not yet possible to show what impact divorce has on the pension after death. If you were ever divorced, your pension in the event of death may be lower than shown on this website. Would you like more information about your pension amounts after divorce? Then contact your pension provider.
In case of a divorce, ex-partners are entitled to a part of (each other’s) accrued pension. It is important to record this within two years after a divorce with a settlement form and to send this to your pension provider. Then the payment will be automatic down the line. View our animated video to see how this works.
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