Factor A

You won't find your factor A on Mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. Your factor A is listed on the pension overview (UPO) you receive from your pension provider every year. You can read more information below.

Your factor A is on your UPO

Your factor A is on the annual pension overview (UPO) you receive from your pension provider. To view your UPO, log in to the website of your pension provider.

Tax return

Are you saving extra pension yourself? For example, with an annuity? Then you have to enter the amount under 'Factor A' on your tax return. Do you receive multiple pension overviews? Then you add up the amounts for 'Factor A'.

Retired? Then use your annual statement

When you're retired, you don't have factor A anymore. For your tax return, you use the annual statement you receive from your pension administrator(s). To view your annual statement, log in to the website of your pension provider.