Becoming a freelancer
The reasons for starting work as a freelancer are very different. What is a fact is that “being in charge” affects your pension. You can read more about it below.
As a freelancer, you are entitled to an AOW pension, just like everyone else, but that is a basic income. Someone in salaried employment often accrues a pension via the employer. As an entrepreneur, you usually have to take care of a supplementary pension yourself. Whether this is necessary depends on your personal situation and wishes.
How can you supplement your pension?
If you want to supplement your pension, there are various options. Please note: you will not see these amounts in your pension overview under “My future pension”.
1. Concluding a pension product
You can set aside money with an annuity product at an insurer, bank or investment institution. There are more and more initiatives for collective pension schemes that are specifically aimed at freelancers. This concerns schemes in which you can participate voluntarily. In many cases, this is tax deductible. Although, your money is locked up for a longer period of time.
2. Voluntary continuation of pension scheme
Did you work in paid employment before this? And did you accrue a pension then? Then you can sometimes voluntarily continue the pension scheme of your former employer. The pension contribution for this voluntary continuation is tax-deductible up to a maximum of 10 years after dismissal.
3. Mandatory pension scheme for specific groups
For certain professions, a compulsory occupational or sectoral pension scheme applies, also as a freelancer without employees. This mainly involves healthcare professionals (such as general practitioners), but also independent painters, for example. Would you like to know more about this? Go to Enterprise Square of the Chamber of Commerce.
Other options
In addition, you can save yourself, for example. You will then pay taxes on these savings (above a certain level). Do you own a house? Sometimes you can repay the interest-only component of your mortgage more quickly. That way you will have fewer living costs now and when you retire.
Would you like to know more about becoming a freelancer and the consequences for your pension? Please contact a financial adviser.